Monday, July 28, 2008

AMSC Japan: d 4th day, d patient & d culture

salam & hi....

another update~~~ today was a good day, tiring but good...for this entry i decided to keep d words to the minimum so that you guys wouldn't feel bored, once again let d pictures tell d story!!! (progress so far for d pic: 396/1000)

+----- d 4th day -----+

today i woke up very late, around 8.30am, fortunately i've done d subuh prayers...d reason for d late-ness was due to me sleeping at 4.30am coz i waited for d subuh time (at 3am supposedly but play games a bit here & there)...due to that, i missed my breakfast so i decided to buy a can of coffee & make that my breakfast, lol...
1st activity, AMSA M'sia booth!! it shows almost all d activities that was done by all uni in Malaysia regarding NCD, quite nice, congratz guys!!
even though i missed d breakfast, there's no way i'm missing d lunch! it was great & i enjoy every bit of it!!

* preparation for the AMSA m'sia booth *

* d booth from india *

* ape info yg bebudak ni letak eh.... *

* my lunch; broiled white meat fish with rice *

+----- d hospital trip -----+

post-lunch, we need to go to sumwhere far (ofuna, near Kanagawa) for the hospital visit...basically we went there by the train & it's a nice experience!! i even got to learn some Japanese words, tq hide-san!!
arriving at the hospital we were greet by a hematologist (forgot her name already) and was guided to the doctor's lounge to attend a briefing session & a PBL session with 2 Dr, one from UK and one from Japan...
for the PBL, we got a case on "paroxysmal severe cough" for 9 days duration...bascially we put up loads of differential and the Dr said he will be sending us d true answer after this...i'll be waiting~~~~
then, we r suppose to meet a patient (c/o: abdominal pain for 6 months, intermittent, radiate to back centrally), however, he was not in the ward when we, we ended up seeing all his C T & ultrasound....
after that, we went back to Sangubashi station before going back to NYC but 3 people were missing!!! fortuantely, they just forgot to take off at the station, then they get off at next station & went back to sangubashi!! huh......

* pic of d day: hm, cam kenal je name tu..... *
me: "hey laura, look there, that's d name of one of my fren,"
laura: "ooooo..."

* with Dr. Imamura, a 1st year junior doctor a.k.a junior houseman *

* with d Dr who guide us thru the hospital visit *

* buskerz! *

* oh no, 3 people are missing... *

+----- d cultural night -----+

finally, d time has come!! it's time for the Zapin dance!!!! yeah!!!!!
fortunately we r performing 4th because i was quite late d/t some GI prob, haha...
basically, d night was superbly done with a lot of dance & songs, d nicest should be from UK but the most outrageous (+stupid) would be from Australia, haha....
actually for the Zapin we've made mistake initially d/t some people exiting so slow from on-stage....
then, it was a photograph frenzy!!evryone was busy taking pictures here & there & i was included!! (of course)....

* pre-performance, tachycardia+tremor! *

* group photo, "evryone say 23~~~" *

* she's wearing a nice cheongsam, walao~~ *

* finally, my GM wore a kimono! *

my conclusion: yesterday happiness neither increase nor decrease today so, it's a good day....
oh ya, to those doing psych, especially my group members, please "kirim salam" ke Dr. Nik & to my SSM members, do your job ok??i'm sorry i can't help you....



mYshah said...

ho2 i really like the pic of the day :D haha... bangunan pe tu? kedai? F6

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....see see...nama saya...nama saya!

haha..over-excited pulak...

tgk2 gambar saja dulu, tak sempat nak baca cerita2 nya lagi. but i really enjoy the pics..thanks for sharing!